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March 27, 2024

Cataracts are an inevitable part of aging. Cataracts cause clouding or discoloration of the lens of the eye. In the early stages, cataracts may cause minor issues, such as frequent prescription lens changes or a need for brighter lighting while reading. Over time, cataracts can worsen and cause significant vision loss.The only treatment…...


If you have never needed glasses or contacts, you may not have considered visiting an eye doctor. Many people delay comprehensive eye exams until they notice changes in their vision.
While you should definitely get an eye exam if your vision has changed, that shouldn't be the first time you see an eye doctor. Your eyes…...

January 16, 2024

Cataracts are one of the most common eye conditions, particularly among older adults. They cause vision issues that get progressively worse over time. Cataracts can interfere with daily activities such as driving, reading, watching TV, or socializing with friends and loved ones. The only real cure for cataracts is surgery, which is safe…...

December 19, 2023

If your eye doctor has told you that you have a cataract and recommended cataract surgery, you probably have many questions about what the procedure entails. Cataract surgery is a routine outpatient procedure that is highly successful in restoring vision clouded by cataracts. Keep reading to learn more about cataract surgery, including…...

November 15, 2023

At some point in life, you will develop cataracts. Since cataracts are a natural part of the aging process within the eye, everyone will experience them at some point.Vision affected by cataracts can be easily restored with cataract surgery. However, many people do not need this procedure when first diagnosed.When you first develop…...

October 2, 2023

Vision is an incredibly important part of life. Eyesight helps you navigate the world and enjoy all kinds of unique experiences.That's why it is so important to protect yourself against eye conditions that can damage your vision. Cataracts are one of the most common vision problems.This is because they are unavoidable. While they…...

June 27, 2019

While a painful, red sunburn immediately tells you that you’ve had too much sun exposure, sun damage to your eyes is usually silent until long after the harm is done. Fortunately, your strongest defense is easy: a well-made pair of sunglasses....